Croydon parks to lose Green Flag status?

Liberal Democrat campaigners have expressed concern about the future of the Green Flag award for parks and open spaces in Croydon, following last month's Full Council meeting.
Responding to a question tabled by Croydon Liberal Democrats as to the number of parks and open spaces awarded Green Flag status in the borough and any plans to apply for more, Labour Councillor Muhammad Ali, Cabinet Member for Sustainable Croydon, responded:
"The council will not be renewing applications for existing Green Flag awards in parks or submitting applications for awards at new sites."
Liberal Democrat campaigner Claire Bonham said:
"This is deeply worrying news - the Green Flag award is recognition of a well-looked after and maintained open space. We've been speaking to residents throughout the summer and our parks are one of their biggest priorities, especially for the many residents who are not fortunate enough to have their own garden. We need the Council to be more ambitious around the number of Green Flags it has, rather than less. Are Labour saying that in a year's time there will be no Green Flags in Croydon?"
Liberal Democrat campaigner Steve Penketh added:
"Westow Park desperately needs more attention from the Council, and we should be working towards Green Flag status for this very well used and appreciated open space. Because of cost-cutting and a lack of attention, it seems that the Council is turning its back on our parks and open spaces. Liberal Democrats will be campaigning hard for Labour-run Croydon Council to change its mind on this very important issue"